We are the men and women of the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee farming communities. Like our fore parents we work the land with passion, pride and love, producing coffee of extraordinary quality and taste.
Alongside our coffee we grow cash crops to keep us afloat. Environmentally we are first class. Some of us walk for hours to get to our farms high up in the Blue Mountains, crossing rivers and streams on the way. Some of us still use a mule to transport our coffee from the farm, whilst some of us throw a full bag of freshly picked cherry coffee on our head and walk the miles back down the mountains. The narrow trails are not for the faint hearted but it’s always worth it for the panoramic views at the top.
After a long day at the farm we like to get together for a beer or two, have a chat and laugh, but always talking about coffee on the farms.
We are well known in our community for what we do. Some of us have legend like status and are well talked about for consistently growing superior beans.
We are of all different ages, gender and from varied background, but we all have something in common;
We are the men and women of the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee farming communities.